Increase Telegram Channel views by purchasing Telegram viewer

All Telegram business owners want to increase their Telegram Channel views on the Telegram social network to make their business look more famous. The fastest solution is Buy Telegram Views, which helps to grow your business, our robot helps you to increase your Telegram viewer automatically.

Buy Telegram Views

( All new users will be awarded a thousand free coins, equivalent to a thousand views )


Buy Telegram views
Buy Telegram views

Our robot helps you to increase the credibility of your channel and attract more customers, the robot @Tigerviewsbot helps you to register your orders in three ways. Single post order means place an order for only one post – order for more than one post, you can place an order for an unlimited number of posts at the same time with one specification – automatic order

Telegram Views Bot (Auto Post Views):

This is a popular feature of our robot and you can add all your channels to the robot and our robot will automatically place orders for your channels (possibility of different settings). For example, you want 1000 views per post for your first channel and 2000 views for your second channel, you can register these initial settings in the robot, and after every post you register in your channel, the robot will register the order completely automatically.

Is it legal to use this robot?

Using our bot is completely legal and will not cause any problems for your channel and you can use it safely.

Do you have unlimited and monthly packages?

Yes, and according to your consumption needs, the services can be changed. Please send a message to the support and send the number of daily posts you make on your channel + the number of views of each post you need so that the package suitable for you will be introduced.

How can I charge my account in the robot?

First enter the robot, then click on (( Buy Coins )) and choose the payment method or send a message to our support account in Telegram: @pooyashf